Tag: dealing with a narcissist parent

    Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly of 1320 AM discuss why GOSSIP IS OFTEN VERY HELPFUL

    October 12, 2021

    Gossip is the sharing by a person of factual or unconfirmed information about someone or persons not there to an individual or group. Gossip can be positive, negative, or neutral. We often inappropriately believe it is all negative. We all gossip as human beings. It can actually go as high as 80 percent of our conversations if gossip is broadly defined. The point here is to give examples when gossip is good. They would include the following:  1. Healthy social interaction about sporting or work personnel. 2. Identifying dishonest persons. 3. To give warning about potential inappropriate behavior by someone who could harm them. 4. General human interaction about impressions of others. 5. Sharing of information that may be of interest. 6.Fun anecdotes that keep the conversation going. 7. Friendships based on good observations about others can cement them.  8. Learn and reinforce social norms. 9. Impact the views of others. 10.Resolve disagreements. 11. Assess and evaluate others and reputations.  12.Impact roles in your social group.


    Narcissists are persons who think of themselves as superior to others and demand attention,absolute commitment,adulation and constant praise. They believe the sun comes up in the morning so they may have light and goes down at night so they can better sleep. They lack empathy for others and have problems in maintaining meaningful relationships. They can be charming,dynamic,charismatic and the life of any party. They can manipulate good people to do their bidding and quite often psychologically overwhelm otherwise good persons into loving them.  They then take advantage of them because of their love and commitment to them. When you add the histrionic element to the personality of the narcissist,constant drama becomes central to the relationship. Such persons are often called DRAMA QUEENS AND KINGS. When one understands the Histrionic Narcissist,the personality flaws and behaviors are self-evident. What also is amazingly evident is how good persons have relationships with them. The veritable emotional avalanche of charisma and charm directed at the desired conquest can overwhelm the common senses  of the wisest of human beings. Because the Histrionic Narcissist has no conscience and acts only on the weaknesses and desires of the victim,their success is somewhat reasonable taking into account how powerful is the desire so many humans have for love and understanding from another human being. Belore long,the mask comes off and the histrionics begin. Potential victims need to run away immediately after recognition of who they are dealing with and long before the Histrionic Narcissistic can begin the psychological devastation they so effectively cause. This is easier said than done.