Tag: mental health


    January 2, 2024- Seasonal Affective Disorder(SAD) is a form of depression that occurs with the change of seasons. It tends to begin and end at the same time. It affects 5 percent of the U.S. population ,lasts about 4 months and is more frequent among women than men. It occurs in Michigan and similar weather areas during winter when it is cold,with short days and little sun. At a personal anecdotal level, I talked to four persons last week who all related they were getting tired of the overcast weather with the lack of sun and were getting run down and feeling sad. This condition clearly saps your energy and leads to a form of depression called SAD. Common characteristics of Seasonal Affective Disorder would include feeling sluggish, having low energy levels,sleeping too much or not enough, having difficulties concentrating on what needs to be done, substance abuse, feeling hopeless and even guilty for the feelings of depression, having no interest in things that normally keep the person interested and sometimes even excited, feeling sad and not enjoying good portions of the day if not the whole day, weight gain, changes in appetite that can include a craving for foods that are high in carbohydrates, and even suicide ideation and feeling it is not worth going on with these feelings. Fortunately suicide ideation is no not typical, but is something to be aware of in yourself or someone you really care about. There can be Seasonal Affective Disorder in the spring and summer but percentages are much higher in the northern parts of the country and world where there is a lack of sunshine, short days, cold temperatures and a high percentage of cloudy conditions without sun. These tend to be in areas far north and south of the equator. Causes of SAD would include a drop in serotonin levels, which is the brain chemical/neurotransmitter that affects the mood of persons and can play a major role in SAD. A lack of sunshine can also cause a drop in serotonin that may bring upon depression. Another cause would be melatonin levels which can negatively impact the balance of melatonin in the person which impacts a person’s sleep patterns and overall mood. Additionally, your biological clock – circadian rhythm – can disrupt your body’s internal clock by having a lack of sunshine that can bring upon depression. If you feel you are becoming particularly sad as the winter season progresses with the lack of sunshine, short days and cold temperatures, remedies would include medication for depression, counseling, exercising, replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts, a light box that replicates actual sunlight, a good diet and even if possible a vacation in the winter to parts of the country loaded with sunshine and warmer temperatures. Many persons just accept they have SAD and do not do enough to try to overcome it. If you start having problems due to SAD with substance abuse, problems with work, family or school, social withdrawal, and for sure with suicide ideation or thoughts, it is time to strongly consider meeting with a therapist who is an expert in SAD and also your medical doctor for potential medication and advice on how to best take care of yourself mentally and physically. If it happens yearly around the same time, it is wise to seek treatment before SAD begins.


    12-06-2022-Loving parents more and more are needing to decide how to help struggling poor decision making adult children who come to them for help. To be helpful and even coach an adult child struggling in life are reasonable parental activities. Most parents want to see their adult children be successful and are willing to help them. The slippery slope is to make sure they are not enabling them to continue ineffective,poor and even destructive decision making. The following are boundaries to this end: 1.Determine what the problem is and what you are willing to do. 2.Do not be moved by intimidation,guilt or threats. Examples like you can no longer see the grandchildren or them if you do not do what they want. 3.Keep your own emotions under control. 4.Recognize swooping in and ineffectively trying to save the day various times shows you are entering a negative co-dependent relationship that will only end badly. 5.Seek out family members,support groups and friends when emotional support is needed. 6.Do not expect your children to fulfill your emotional needs 7.Accept your not being involved after repeated failures is often the best process as painful as that may be emotionally. 8.Accept that loving your adult child may mean you must let them solve their own problems resulting from poor decision making without your involvement other than sought out advice and coaching. 9.Seek out clergy or an experienced therapist familiar with co-dependent relationships for emotional support as needed.

    Dr Braccio & Mike Austin of 1320 AM discuss WHY CHILDREN ARE ESTRANGED FROM THEIR PARENTS


    A surprising thing to me even now is how many children are estranged from their parents. In some cases the children will not even tell the parent(s) why. Sadly,in many cases even seemingly small problems in communication can result in total or limited lifelong parental estrangement. The following are common reasons: 1.Child sexual abuse. 2.Child physical abuse. 3.Child emotional abuse. 4.Ongoing emotional abuse. 5.Religious differences. 6.Political differences. 7.Non-involved parent now or in the past. 8.Late in life arriving parent. 9.Overinvolved negative grandparenting. 10.Financial issues. 11.Communication problems between parent and spouse/family of child. 12.Substance abuse. 13.Sibling preference. 14.Perceived brainwashing.

    Dr Braccio & Mike Austin of 1320 AM discuss HOW HUMILITY HELPS MAKE YOU A MORE EFFECTIVE HUMAN BEING. 

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    August 30, 2022- Humility is that wonderful trait a human being has that allows them to not be a know-it-all and accept the views of other persons. They can accept others have equal or better ideas. They recognize together everyone can feel more satisfied and potentially be more successful. They believe the concept of teamwork results in team results that a group of individuals working alone cannot achieve. Too often humility is seen as weakness. It is actually the opposite of that. Humility simply recognizes other persons can be talented and offer something. Typical traits of a person with humility would be as follows: 1.Listens to others and their opinions. 2.Takes into account the ideas and feelings of others when making decisions. 3.Works under the assumption more persons involved in decision-making will lead to a better outcome with everyone feeling they have made a meaningful contribution. 4.Willingness to make decisions when necessary but only after taking into account opinions of others. 5.Strengthens relationships with others. 6.Allows for greater understanding of self and others. 7.Develops tolerance of others and their views. 8.Roots out arrogance and impulsivity of actions.

    Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly of 1320 discuss HOW TO REDUCE ANGER AND FRUSTRATION IN THE AGE OF COVID

    The last two years during the age of Covid have been very difficult emotionally for millions of persons across the globe. The obvious result of restrictions and fears In many has resulted in very high levels of anger and frustration. Even though there has been progressing in the fight against Covid, there still are many legitimate fears resulting in frustration and anger continuing to build in many persons. The following are some techniques to use to overcome this frustration and anger. These basic techniques can also be used regardless of the cause of a person’s anger and frustration: 1. Deep breathing/meditation/self-hypnosis/hypnosis. 2. Exercise/yoga/Pilates. 3. Visualization of positive physical settings and memories. 4. Say positive mantras over and over again. 5. Find humor in even the most difficult circumstances. 6. Take a walk. 7. Identify anger and frustration triggers and replace them with positive ones. 9. Play favorite music. 10. Call a friend. 11. Help someone. 12.Watch a comedy movie. 13. Plan a vacation. 14. Take a one-day trip. 15. Prepare a favorite meal. 16. Go to a favorite restaurant and enjoy the experience. 17. Enhance your spirituality. 18. Seek out a trained therapist if needed.


    WHEN DECLARING YOURSELF NO LONGER A VICTIM IS CRITICAL TO YOUR MENTAL HEALTH 02-15-2022 The point here is not to deny there are victims in life from minor insults to even murder. I am specifically talking about persons who have taken on the role of victim to the point they feel they have lost control of their lives and have a very negative outlook on life with everything seen through the prism of “I’m a victim mentality”. This outlook on life can only lead to unhappiness and often can be accompanied with anger, anxiety, and depression. If you feel you are a victim of life or you too often believe you take on the role of victim, it is important you honestly evaluate yourself. The following would be typical views of persons who see themselves as victims: 1. Blame others for their station in life. 2. Blame problems from the past and/or present for being unhappy. 3. Do not see inadequacies or lack of direction in self for problems in life. 4. Perceive daily life responsibilities and roadblocks as problems and not opportunities for resolution. 5. Believe life is against them. 6. Feel powerless in life. 7. Feel like destiny does not allow them luck and things always work out poorly for them. 8. Believe no one understands them and they are alone in the world with no understanding and caring….If you feel you have some of these views, you need to develop a new outlook on life and recognize you have control over it, and need to seek out opportunities to prove it. You certainly will be happier and more successful with a positive view on life. The following are some things to do to take responsibility for yourself and quit seeing yourself as a victim: 1. Recognize you are giving ongoing power to persons who may have hurt you or taken advantage of you to still exert control over you. 2. Take control of your life and the decisions you make. 3. Seek out positive people who clearly do not see themselves as victims and start modeling and implementing their behaviors and outlooks. 4. Admit when you have made an inappropriate decision and do not use the word “but” to excuse it. The word “but” is a disclaimer from the responsibility. 5. Use the statements “I will” and “I can” when making a decision to do something. 6. Recognize that failure can be a way to learn how not to do something again as opposed to seeing yourself as a victim and failure. 7. Replace negative self-defeating thoughts about being a victim with positive statements about being responsible for yourself and the decisions you make. 8. As felt necessary, seek out a therapist who can help you replace the negative thoughts of being a victim with positive thoughts of being in control of yourself and your destiny as much as possible.


    Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly 1320 AM 4-8-21
    PARENTS NEED TO MODEL RESPECTFUL COMMUNICATION WITH THEIR CHILDREN BY DOING IT WITH THEM. In a time where the country is very divided and polarized politically and neither trusts the other half,regardless of where we stand on many of the issues in the cultural debate,parents need to be respectful of their children and help them be the same way with other honorable people. To be able to listen,understand,and disagree in a respectful manner is what is needed to have children who will grow into the same kind of persons as their parents. Instruction and modeling of good behavior are crucial roles of loving and caring parents. Another positive outcome of such respectful conversation is the ability to continue discussions at the time of the disagreement and the lifetime that follows. We need to be beware there can be two or even more ways to solve a problem.

    Listen to Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly discuss new guidance from CDC on self-harm and the rise in suicide as the pandemic drags on.

    CDC(CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION)STUDY SHOWS INCREASE IN SUICIDAL THOUGHTS IN AMERICANS FROM 4.3% IN AUGUST OF 2018 TO 11% IN AUGUST OF 2020. These are not the results a country is looking for from a mental health perspective. In fact, they are very painful and disheartening. They also are predictably enhanced by the COVID-19 PANDEMIC we are all experiencing. Approximately 50,000 persons commit suicide in the United States yearly. Every imaginable grouping of persons is vulnerable to suicide. Over the years all of us experience a family member, close friend or someone we know who committed suicide. I have personally had this happen myself. It is devastating for the persons left behind who will try to understand why this happened and often, unfortunately, have inappropriate guilt, shame, depression, anxiety, PTSD and feelings of hopelessness. It is important as a society that we talk about suicide and try to be helpful to persons who we know are going through difficult times. An unfortunate aspect of suicide prevention is that there are persons who are able to hide their pain from those around them who love and care for them. It also is true if a person determines to commit suicide, over time they will do it in spite of the most loving and caring attempts to prevent it. Again, I am personally aware of this happening in my own life and professional experiences. The following are some suggestions for what we can do when we believe someone we know and care for is going through a particularly hard time and are concerned suicide is a possibility: 1.Talk to the person in a caring but straight forward manner to understand where the person is emotional. 2.Ask if the person has had or has suicidal thoughts and has a plan to do it. 3.Ask if the person has any weapons in the home. if yes, ask if they were recently purchased. 4.Ask if the person is doing such things as calling persons for a last call, giving away personally important things, putting important life matters in order, social withdrawal, preoccupation with death, risky and atypical behaviors such as excessive alcohol consumption and/or drugs, and personality changes from extreme serenity to extreme agitation. 5.If your concerns merit it, try to convince the person to seek professional support including the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 800-273-8255. 6.If the person is clearly suicidal and in need of immediate help, you can call 911 or if the situation merits it, take the person to the hospital yourself.