Tag: wils

    Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly discuss IS YOUR CURRENT RELATIONSHIP FOR LIFE?

    July 27, 2021 From someone who was involved for some years with the Pre-Cana Marriage Preparation program in the Diocese of Lansing, and currently continues to work with persons prior to and after their marriage, it is surprising how many persons do not effectively analyze the relationship they are in and are planning to spend a lifetime without answering questions like the following. 1. Will each of you help make the other person a better human being? 2.Do either of you have secret plans to try to make major changes in the other person? 3. Are you able to share decision-making and power in a fair manner? 4.Are each of you the best friend of the other? 5.Do each of you think in terms of “us” or in terms of “I”? 6.Are each of you comfortable sharing passwords for social media and financial accounts? 7.Do each of you have a realistic understanding of the positive and negative traits of the other? 8. Do you see potential problem areas relating to financial decisions, philandering, team player attitudes, parenting, etc.? 9.Do each of you share common values pertaining to religion, politics, child rearing and general views of living together as a monogamous couple? 10.Are each of you able to disagree in a civil manner and work together to resolve problems as well as agreeing to mutual areas of disagreement? 11. Are each of you willing to sacrifice for the other one taking into account the needs and desires of each other? 12. Are you both sexually compatible? 13. Do close friends and family members believe the two of you will make a good lifelong relationship?… These are questions that I believe are important for any couple thinking of entering a marriage together for a lifetime to be able to answer. I remember many years ago when I was going over to St. Thomas Aquinas Church in East Lansing, Michigan to do part of the Pre-Cana Marriage Training when a person I was talking to suggested I have each partner look at the other and ask the following questions: “Would you want that person to help raise your children?”Would you want a child who would become like that person?” This is actually good advice. I simply give this example to let you know that any person you talk to can give you some ideas on what is important in a marriage; however, the important thing is to take into account your interactions together as well as opinions from those that know both of you with love and caring. When in doubt and not sure what to do, it is important to consider meeting with a respected clergy or therapist experienced in marital work to give some needed perspective.


    Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly of 1320 AM discuss HOW TO DISTINGUISH BETWEEN ANXIETY AND ADHD July 20, 2021 Anxiety and ADHD have in common such characteristics as worry,inattention, restlessness and irritability. The key difference in ADHD characteristics is that they primarily relate to concerns stemming from focus and inattention while anxiety stems from fear and nervousness. Anxiety is far more common with 19.1% having it as opposed to 4.4% with ADHD. With that said, ADHD has a comorbidity of 50% with anxiety. The following are necessary to come up with a correct diagnosis to obtain the appropriate treatment both psychologically and medically for each condition. 1.The DSM-V requires onset of ADHD to begin prior to 12 years of age while anxiety can occur at any age. 2.Triggers for anxiety relate to the “what ifs” that could occur in almost any situation. ADHD is generally triggered about deadlines and performance related activities. 3.Testing is important for both anxiety and ADHD. This includes observations and clinical history for both. ADHD testing tends to be more extensive and includes measures for processing speed, working memory and errors that commonly occur when persons have characteristics of ADHD. These measures can also be helpful with anxiety. 4.Appropriate treatment both psychologically and medically for each condition requires valid diagnosis. This can include when a person has both conditions.


    Dr. Braccio & Dave Akerly of 1320 AM discuss HOW TO CONTROL POOR FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT/OVERSPENDING- Subscribe to our YouTube page! July 13, 2021 A problem for many Americans is how to control their poor financial management/overspending. The following are some steps that a person can take to resolve this problem: 1.Plan a budget and stick to it. 2.Do not let failure stop you from going back on track. 3.Cut up the credit cards. 4.Make money hard to get to spend. 5.Stay away from spending temptations. 6.Grocery shop when not hungry and with a specific grocery list. 7.Make your own meals and stay away from restaurants. 8.Set specific financial goals. 9.Visualize the emotional pain you will have when you overspend. 10. Visualize the future financial “you” and make it happen. 11. Put money into an IRA and/or work matching retirement program. 12. Shop wisely. 13. In a few words, sit yourself down and critically analyze why you make poor financial decisions/overspend and decide to end the problem and become financially responsible…The previous steps can help to that end. If deemed appropriate, you can seek out an experienced financial planner and/or therapist experienced with persons who have problems with financial management/overspending.



    Hey It is very difficult for anyone to deal with a hurt that is caused by someone who is loved and cared for. The first reactions could be lashing out in anger or going into a shell and not wanting to talk at all. Neither of these reactions is effective. The important thing to do is be able to have communication that allows each person the opportunity to best solve the problem together. The person who is hurt is best advised to in a caring way bring up the concern at a personal level  and not attack the other person for what was said or done. The next strategy is to give a solution to the problem that can be discussed. This allows the person who hopefully inadvertently did the hurting to have an opportunity to help in the problem-solving so it does not happen again. Typical examples would be forgetting a birthday or important date, making plans and not considering desires or feelings of the loved person, saying words or statements that are sarcastic or mean spirited, not being available in times of need, not caring for the feelings of the person, not being tuned into the person when there is a strong emotional need for discussion and problem-solving,and on and on in an almost never ending set of possibilities. The important thing to remember is that the silent treatment and anger may work in some situations and even for a period of time; however, these strategies do not work over time and tend to hurt and even destroy relationships. The important thing is to be able to resolve problems in a way that each can have respect and feel good about whatever resolution is determined. Problem-solving of this nature is often very difficult because there is often a lack of agreement on the gravity of the problem and thus the importance of the need for the resolution. The key factor is when people love each other,they must be open to problem-solving discussion when concerns arise.  If problem-solving is not able to be done by the persons involved, it can be helpful to bring in clergy,a trusted friend or family member. An additional option would be to find a therapist who is familiar and experienced with problem-solving among loving persons.


    Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly of 1320 AM discuss TALKING TO A LOVED ONE WHO IS TERMINALLY ILL

    Friends and family often do not know what to say when a beloved friend or family member is terminally ill and they know death is near. They want to be sensitive and caring, yet confusion can be powerful with no clear sense of what to say or do. They do not want to upset the person and cause them unnecessary emotional harm. Simply stated, being genuine, sensitive and caring are key characteristics that are needed to be helpful to the loved one who is dying. The following are some specific suggestions on how to be the most loving and helpful: 1.Focus on the person and not the illness. 2.Treat the person as normal as possible. Good discussion can come when death is not the topic unless the person wants to talk about it.  3.Allow the person to discuss what is felt comfortable. Old memories and even current events may be the preferred topics. 4. As health makes possible, keep the loved person involved in social events and social discussions. 5.Offer support and help with true sincerity. Often asking for help may be very difficult for a proud and independent person who now is in need of help. 6.If the person does not desire to see you in person due to the illness, communicate by phone, email, etc. as the person prefers. 7.Decide what you would like to tell the person and bring it up in the conversation when appropriate and possible. 8. Realistically accept the reality of the person’s death if the person has and does not want sympathy. Empathy and understanding are needed.  You can still be as positive as the reality allows. 9.Silence may be desired. 10.Sensitive touching may be desired. 11. Read to the person if desired. 12 Celebrate the life of the person and your memories together…There is no way that it can be easy to say goodbye to a loved person or relative. The overriding important thing is to make the person as comfortable as possible and make the last memories you have together be meaningful to the loved person as well as the memories you will carry for the rest of your life.


    ADHD AND PROCRASTINATION WITH HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS TO OVERCOME THEM- SUBSCRIBE to our page! 6-22-21 As inattention, focus and hyperactivity are hallmarks of ADHD, they also can directly relate to procrastination. In fact, ADHD and procrastination are often comorbid conditions in the same person. The following are some ways to help someone diagnosed with ADHD or with the symptoms to overcome procrastination that can result in a lack of progress in one’s career and personal life. 1.Set a timeline for completing a project. 2.Identify the specific components that make it up with timelines for each one. 3.Set up specific times you will work on the project with a break after you complete it in the time allocated. For example, work 20 minutes and take a five-minute break. 4.Do not multitask and run the risk of not completing any project. 5.Realistically determine how much time it will take to complete a project. 6. Reward yourself when you complete a project consistent with your time allocation. 7.Focus on each specific component that needs to be done and do not get bogged down worrying about the total project. If you fail in completing a particular component of a project or the project itself, do not feel defeated and quit trying. No, it is time to work hard to complete the component that is not completed and go onto the next one. 8.Do cognitive restructuring by replacing a negative thought with a positive one when working on a project that needs to be completed. Instead of saying to yourself that you cannot do something, tell yourself you can do it and believe it. 9.Seek professional counseling from a therapist who can help with overcoming the problem areas of ADHD and resulting procrastination if they result in your not being able to complete projects that need to be done for work, personal satisfaction, or both.

    Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly of 1320 AM discuss HUMAN LIFELONG REGRETS AND HOW TO OVERCOME THEM

    Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly of 1320 AM June 15, 2021 HUMAN LIFELONG REGRETS AND HOW TO OVERCOME THEM I believe it is safe to say that all persons have regrets as they live their lives. They generally relate to things they have not done or wish they had done. These regrets would include the following: 1. Not dating someone or wishing an attempt had been made. 2.Not developing friendships that in retrospect the person’s wishes had been done. 3.Not going into a career where true passion existed. 4.Going into a career or marriage others wanted and you felt forced into. 5.Wasted time worrying about things that did not happen. 6. Not resolving conflicts with persons in the past or even into the present. 7. Turning down the job, location of the country to live, or career that was desired and not taken. 8. Working too much. 9.Losing a marriage, relationship with children, family, and friends due to inappropriate behavior. 10. Belief that parenting and/or spousal relationship are not as desired or how they could have been. 11. Not completing important goals in life. 12. Being too serious and not enjoying so much that life has to offer. 13. Guilt for things done or said in the past that have not or cannot be resolved. 14 Choosing work over family and friends. 15 Looking after and pleasing others to the neglect of self…Persons often can go into depression or feel bad about themselves because they have many regrets about their lives. My advice to them is that one cannot deal with things that cannot be resolved in the present. The important thing is to move forward and take control of what one can. The following are suggestions on how to get over the regrets one has in their lives:1. Change what you can do realistically. 2.Create new goals and begin to implement them. 3. Complete achievable goals that have been discarded and bring them to fruition. 4.Accept reality and find happiness in it. 5. Analyze your decision-making and make it more effective by looking at the ineffective decisions that have been made to the present. 6. Apologize for hurting others in the past. 7.Rekindle old friendships and family relationships from the past.8.Seek out professional support from a career, business, spiritual or psychological perspective…The important thing to know is however much life you have left, do what you can do now and not focus on what you have not done in the past. Your future begins now.

    Dr. Braccio & Dave Akerly of 1320 AM discuss WHEN DIVORCE IS THE RIGHT CHOICE-Subscribe to our page!

    Dr. Braccio & Dave Akerly of 1320 AM discuss WHEN DIVORCE IS THE RIGHT CHOICE June 1, 2021 his is our fifth and for now final last segment on divorce. Much is appropriately written about the negative outcomes of divorce. With that said, the negative effects of dysfunctional marriages can also be such that divorce is the right choice for all involved. The following are reasons when divorce is the right choice. The first three are so horrible that they need to end in divorce. 1. Sexual abuse. 2. Physical abuse. 3. Emotional abuse. 4.Substance abuse. 5.Endless arguing. 6.Infidelity. 7.Severe lack of commitment. 8.Severe lack of common goals for now and the future. 9.Long-term neglect of the marriage. 10. Severe differences in parenting styles. 11.Changing spiritual outlooks. 12. Long-term family conflicts. 13.Chronic monetary conflicts—including gambling.

    Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly of 1320 AM discuss POSSIBLE POSITIVE OUTCOMES FOR CHILDREN

    Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly discuss POSSIBLE POSITIVE OUTCOMES FOR CHILDREN OF DIVORCE- 5-25-21
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    This is the fourth segment we have done on divorce. Today we discuss possible positive outcomes for children of divorce. They are presented with awareness of the great havoc divorce, regardless of the legitimacy of it, can have on children. They would include the following1.Parents modeling good parenting. 2.Understand marriage can fail and learn from the experiences of their parents. 3.Closer relationships with siblings and other family members. 4.Greater appreciation of close friendships. 5.Potentially more quality time with each parent in a positive atmosphere. 6.Greater empathy and understanding of problems others have when divorce or other major problems occur for them. 7.Learn greater self-sufficiency as each parent may not be able or desire to live separately as they could as a couple. 8. Better communication with each parent as their needs and interests are expressed and understood. 9.Find and develop greater strength of purpose and character out of the emotionally difficult times they can experience from divorce. 10. A greater sense of spirituality and/or moral gravity when trying to find purpose in life.

    Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly discuss THE PSYCHOLOGICAL IMPACT OF DIVORCE ON CHILDREN-subscribe to our page

    Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly of 1320 AM, in the third part in a series on divorce, discuss THE PSYCHOLOGICAL IMPACT OF DIVORCE ON CHILDREN
    May 18, 2021
    This is the third segment we have done on divorce. I preface my comments with an awareness that divorce is a reasonable outcome when abuse, philandering, constant arguing, and irreconcilable differences between the couple can lead to the point that divorce is preferable and even necessary. With that said, the impact of divorce on children can range from minor to significant problems in adjustment. Children of divorce too often have to deal with one or more of the following: 1.Loss of one or both parents for a significant period of time weekly, monthly, or any time agreement the parents and/or courts decide. 2.Downsizing of home and other financial changes that can range from small to severe financial restraints. 3. Separation from beloved family members from one or both parents. 4.Subtle or outright attempts at parental alienation. 5.Limited interactions and even ending of friendships due to emotional distress. 6.Shame. 7.Anger. 8.Depression. 9. Anxiety 10 PTSD. 11.Poor academic performance. 12.Insecurity. 13.Guilt for break-up of parents. 14.Feelings of loss. 15.Poor relationships with the opposite sex/partners that can exist for a lifetime. 16.Physical problems. 17. Physical acting out behaviors. 18. Emotional acting out conflicts. 19. Necessity to adapt to stepparents and step-siblings. It is important to note blended families are a primary reason for follow-up divorces…When you look at the potential problems for children of divorce, even if not intentional, that can occur from a divorce, it is important parents think very hard about doing everything they can to keep the marriage together.

    Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly of 1320 AM discuss WHAT TO LEARM FROM YOUR DIVORCE

    This is the first of a series of podcasts to be done on divorce. My point is not to challenge the need for divorce in many cases but rather to discuss the importance of trying to maintain marriages in a mutually loving and meaningful manner…In an age when up to fifty percent of marriages will predictably fail,it is important to know why. It is even worse in second marriages where divorces predictably will be more than sixty percent. Divorce,blended families and single parent households are as common as apple pie. Considering the importance of successful marriages for the mental health of spouses,children and society as a whole,it is surprising how many persons enter marriage not understanding the potential problems that may occur. These potential problems include the following: 1.Youthful /immature marriage. 2.Financial concerns. 3.Physical intimacy. 4.Emotional intimacy. 5.Changing life directions. 6.Infidelity. 7.Extreme competing control issues. 8.Addictions. 9.Falling out of love. 10.Constant fighting. 11. Childbearing and pregnancy before marriage. 12.Divorce of parents. 13 No religious beliefs. 14.Lack of marital preparation or counseling. 15.Divorce of parents. 15.Unrealistic marital expectations. 16.Addictions. 17.Physical abuse. 18.Emotional abuse. 19.Less education.

    Dr Braccio speaks with Dave Akerly of 1320 AM on WHY PEOPLE DIVORCE

    May 4, 2021
    WHY PEOPLE DIVORCE. This is the first of a series of podcasts to be done on divorce. My point is not to challenge the need for divorce in many cases but rather to discuss the importance of trying to maintain marriages in a mutually loving and meaningful manner…In an age when up to fifty percent of marriages will predictably fail,it is important to know why. It is even worse in second marriages where divorces predictably will be more than sixty percent. Divorce,blended families and single parent households are as common as apple pie. Considering the importance of successful marriages for the mental health of spouses,children and society as a whole,it is surprising how many persons enter marriage not understanding the potential problems that may occur. These potential problems include the following: 1.Youthful /immature marriage. 2.Financial concerns. 3.Physical intimacy. 4.Emotional intimacy. 5.Changing life directions. 6.Infidelity. 7.Extreme competing control issues. 8.Addictions. 9.Falling out of love. 10.Constant fighting. 11. Childbearing and pregnancy before marriage. 12.Divorce of parents. 13 No religious beliefs. 14.Lack of marital preparation or counseling. 15.Divorce of parents. 15.Unrealistic marital expectations. 16.Addictions. 17.Physical abuse. 18.Emotional abuse. 19.Less education.

    Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly discuss WHAT IS THE MOST MEANINGFUL AGE IN A PERSON’S LIFE? 4-13-21

    This is a question many persons have pondered and debated over the centuries. These thoughts will hopefully trigger some thoughts in you. I remember a random discussion I had in the late 60s with a wise older woman from the Philippines teaching Spanish in Compton Schools, California. At that time, I was working in Compton as a School Psychologist. In our discussion, she said in the Philippines there was a saying or belief that indicated a 40-year-old had the opportunity to look backward as if on a mountain peak at the previous life experiences and with this view could look forward and anticipate what the future would be, based on what had been learned in those 40 years. . That conversation still intrigues me and I think of it often. I have observed over the years that if wisdom and appropriate skills are developed, it is true the second half of one’s life would be predictably meaningful and good. If not, then it would predictably not be true for that person. It is totally dependent on what the person has learned in those first 40 years…I think meaning for a young person from high school until 40 is about finding purpose in life and setting out with goals and dreams to be accomplished and trying to build the life skills to accomplish them. That can be a very meaningful age for the person. From ages 40-60, the person is attempting to accomplish those goals and will begin to keep track of what is being accomplished and what is still desired to be accomplished. That can be a very meaningful age for that person. As a person is into the 60s and later, it is time to review the life the person has lived and hopefully find meaning and satisfaction on what has occurred. That also can be a very meaningful age for that person. The satisfaction and meaningfulness during these age periods will be determined by what has been accomplished and still desired to be accomplished. The overall point is that satisfaction in life does not relate to any particular age period. The course of one’s life may make periods more meaningful or not. Hopefully, each period will be meaningful with youth filled with great energy, middle years with the implementation of dreams with later age being one of reflection and satisfaction…For emphasis, I believe it to be true that there is no one better and more meaningful age. It totally depends on the person who is leading the life and what satisfaction and meaning are occurring at any particular time. Overall successful persons are happy at any age and find meaningfulness in what they are doing and desire to accomplish. I might add, young persons can also gain satisfaction and meaningful thoughts from what occurred earlier in their lives.

    Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly discuss how COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY CAN BE HELPFUL

    Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly discuss how COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY CAN BE HELPFUL 3-23-21 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a psychological treatment to help persons understand how negative thoughts and resulting behaviors negatively impact them and their lives. Psychological problems are seen as the result of these negative and faulty thoughts. The goal is to understand what specific thought patterns are causing them to function ineffectively and replace them with positive ones. A further goal is that persons can become their own therapists. CBT has been found to be helpful with overcoming anxiety, PTSD, OCD, depression, marital issues, alcohol and substance abuse disorders, sexual disorders, and eating disorders. The following are CBT techniques that can help eliminate dysfunctional behaviors and resulting unhappiness: 1.GOALS ARE MEASURABLE, SPECIFIC AND TIME-RELATED. 2.COGNITIVE RESTRUCTURING IS THE REPLACING OF NEGATIVE THOUGHTS WITH POSITIVE ONES. 3.JOURNALING IS THE PRACTICE OF WRITING DOWN NEGATIVE THOUGHTS AND WRITING POSITIVE THOUGHTS TO REPLACE THEM. 4.DESENSITIZATION BY GRADUALLY CONFRONTING UNCOMFORTABLE SITUATIONS AND IDEAS TO OVERCOME THEM. 5.HOMEWORK IS OFTEN GIVEN BY THERAPISTS TO HELP PERSONS PRACTICE TECHNIQUES AND STRATEGIES DISCUSSED DURING COUNSELING SESSIONS. 6.ROLEPLAYING TO BETTER BE ABLE TO CONFRONT PERSONS OR SITUATIONS THAT CAUSE US FEAR AND/OR DISCOMFORT.



    Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly of 1320 AM: PEACEFUL HOME LIFE WHEN YOUR YOUNG ADULT CHILD MOVES BACK HOME 3-16-21 PEACEFUL HOME LIFE WHEN YOUR YOUNG ADULT CHILD MOVES BACK HOME. To leave home and go forward to live one’s own life is part of the normal growth cycle. The average age for a child to leave home is 19. Influenced by COVID to predictably a large extent,52% of persons aged 18-29 had returned home as of July 2020. This has resulted in difficulties in many homes for children/adults and their parents. Even though often hard to do with the best of intentions,the best outcome is predicted when the following are attempted: AGREED UPON EXPECTATIONS FOR BOTH…TIMELINE TO BE BE LIVING WITH PARENTS…CLEAR BOUNDARIES…STRUCTURE…FINANCIAL EXPECTATIONS…HONESTY… MUTUAL RESPECT…KINDNESS…TOLERANCE…UNDERSTANDING…CHILDREN/ADULTS RECOGNIZE THE RIGHT OF PARENTS TO SET EXPECTATIONS…ACTIVE LISTENING TO UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER…LOVE…THE NEED FOR PARENTS TO RECOGNIZE THEIR CHILDREN ARE NOW ALSO ADULTS…POLITENESS…SET UP SPECIFIC WAYS TO EXPRESS CONCERNS AND A PROBLEM-SOLVING PROCESS.


    At a time all Americans are unified in wanting justice in the case of George Floyd,there are those who destroy businesses and other buildings in communities because they are organized anarchists who only want to destroy our society. These are far more dangerous than the disgusting looters and destroyers of property who sadly appear in any crisis. We need to make sure we do not allow anarchists,regardless of whether society defines them as far right or far left,to incite others to riot as well as their planned destabilization practices to have the general population break into warring camps rather than focusing on peaceful demonstrations against the brutal death of George Floyd. I might add I am not justifying illegal and destructive behavior by anyone, but rather focusing on anarchists who thrive in times of confusion and rage. I believe the following quote from the New York Times well states the problem: IN NEW YORK CITY, A SENIOR OFFICIAL SAID ANARCHISTS HAD PLANNED TO START MAYHEM IN THE CITY EVEN BEFORE THE PROTESTS STARTED, USING ENCRYPTED COMMUNICATION TO RAISE BAIL AND TO RECRUIT MEDICS. DURING THE DEMONSTRATIONS THEY MAINTAINED SUPPLY LINES TO DISTRIBUTE GASOLINE, ROCKS, AND BOTTLES, AND ALSO DISPATCHED SCOUTS TO FIND AREAS DEVOID OF POLICE OFFICERS, SAID JOHN MITLER, THE DEPUTY COMMISSIONER IN CHARGE OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT’S COUNTER-TERRORISM AND INTELLIGENCE EFFORTS.”