Dr Braccio & Dave Ackerly of 1320 AM discuss SMALL WAYS TO MAKE YOU HAPPY NOW

Dr Braccio & Dave Ackerly of 1320 AM discuss SMALL WAYS TO MAKE YOU HAPPY NOW

SMALL WAYS TO MAKE YOU HAPPY NOW 01-04-22 Last week we talked about making choices, goals, and resolutions for the year 2022. This week we are going to talk about ways that can make you happy right now. Being able to find things that will make you happy “in the now” is really important because being in a bad mood is not only bad for your mental health that day but can lead to an enduring day to day sadness and unhappiness that can lead to long term negativity and even depression. The following would be examples of ways to make you happy now: 1. Call a friend or family member. 2. Enjoy a happy memory. 3. Get love from your cat or dog. 4. Hug someone you love. 5. Focus on what is good in your life. 6. Listen to music you love. 7. Offer someone a smile. 8. Talk to an upbeat person. 9. Plan future events. 10. Eat something you love. 11. Exercise. 12. Walk around the block. 13. Take a hot bath or shower. 14. Light a scented candle. 15.Search your spiritual/moral values. 16. Deep relaxation/self hypnosis/meditation. 17. Take a break from your cell phone and all electronics. 18. Watch a comedy video. 19. Trust yourself. 20.Love yourself as much as you can love others…When you hear or read over the list I have put here, you will identify with many of them and also think of others you would add. The important thing is for each of us to find ways we can use that will give us joy and pleasure in the moment. Life is ultimately made up of all the moments/minutes we live. Minutes turn into the hours, days, weeks,months, years and decades that make up our lives. The more happiness and satisfaction you can find in each minute will ultimately determine how happy and satisfying of a life you experience.

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