Tag: anxiety and covid


    October 27, 2020 THE GROWING EPIDEMIC OF SENIOR SUBSTANCE/ALCOHOL ABUSE. Substance/alcohol abuse is a growing problem among seniors.(I am defining them as one in this podcast). There is an estimation that substance abuse among seniors will be 5.7 million in 2020. That is double the 2006 count. It has been called by some the “SILENT EPIDEMIC”. Common concerns of seniors would include the following: 1.RETIREMENT WITH LACK OF PURPOSE. 2.FINANCIAL PROBLEMS. 3.LOSS OF SPOUSE AND/OR LOVED ONES. 4.HEALTH PROBLEMS. 5.CHRONIC PAIN. 5.INSOMNIA. 6.LOW SELF-WORTH. 7.HISTORY OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE. 8.NOT ACKNOWLEDGING THE MAGNITUDE OF THE PROBLEM. 9.LONELINESS. 9LOSS OF SPIRITUALITY. These problem areas can lead seniors to abuse drugs and alcohol trying to reduce their physical and/or psychological pain. It also is true many seniors grew up in the sixties and still have inappropriate awareness of the dangers of substance abuse they are risking. Because seniors often are not working or do not have daily routines or day to day responsibilities,it is easy for caring family and friends to not notice or be aware of their symptoms of drug and alcohol abuse. Symptoms that can be confused with aging would include the following: 1.MEMORY LOSS. 2.SLURRED SPEECH. 3.MOBILITY PROBLEMS. 4.ANGER. 5.UNPREDICTABLE MOOD SWINGS. 6.DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY LEVELS. 7.POOR PHYSICAL HYGIENE. 8.LACK OF INTEREST IN USUALLY PLEASURABLE ACTIVITIES. 9.FALLING EPISODES. 10UNEXPLAINED BRUISES. 11.LACK OF CONTACT WITH FAMILY AND FRIENDS….Sometimes it is necessary for family and/or friends to confront the person in an attempt to help end the abuse. The use of a trained therapist can be helpful…When the senior decides there is a problem and wants to overcome it,the following can be helpful: 1.FAMILY AND FRIENDS SUPPORT. 2.CLERGY. 3.APPROPRIATE MEDICATION. 4.SUPPORT GROUPS. 5.DETOXIFICATION THAT CAN INCLUDE INPATIENT TREATMENT. 6.OUTPATIENT SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNSELING. 7.COUNSELING TO ADDRESS NON-SUBSTANCE AND ALCOHOL ABUSE RELATED PROBLEM AREAS.


    On 10-13-2020 Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly of 1320 AM discuss BEHAVIORS OF HUMAN PSYCHOLOGICAL MANIPULATORS The caring and trusting human being is the perfect victim for the psychological manipulator. The manipulator has no sense of right or wrong and only wants to dominate and cause psychological havoc in the victim. The goal is to be on top and always right. They prey on human weakness and can through their negative human cunning lead persons to be confused on long-held beliefs. They even can convince persons to change on beliefs that are critical to good self-esteem and ethical living. Good human interaction on ideas and beliefs are critical for persons to change as their lives unfold…Typical behaviors of the psychological manipulator would include the following: 1.Guilt. 2.Find your weaknesses and use them against you. 3.Undermine your self-confidence by convincing you of how you are so flawed. 4.Convince you that you are always wrong. 5.Never offers respect and caring except to deviously use as manipulative psychological tactics. 6. Deceitfully talks negatively about you with your friends and associates to undermine your relationships. Amazingly, some human psychological predators are so effective they succeed at this. 7.They love the psychological havoc they cause and never stop until they no longer can be successful at it. When that happens, they look for the next victim…The best defense is developing good self-esteem and surrounding yourself with trusted friends and family who can help you not fall under what appears to be a psychological spell that sadly is cast over you. Priests, ministers and therapists can be helpful when friends and family are not available or the power over you does not allow you to regain psychological control over self. The road to recovery can be long and difficult.

    Dr Braccio discuss with Dave Akerly WHEN SILENCE IS GOLDEN.

    SEPTEMBER 29, 2020

    WHEN SILENCE IS GOLDEN. We live in an age of talkers whether it is IN-PERSON, TELEVISION, MEDIA, EMAILS, TWITTER,iPhones, FACEBOOK, FACETIME, MESSAGING, DUO, ZOOM, and on and on in an always changing endless stream. In such an age, there are many times that the metaphor of GOLDEN with SILENCE rings true. Included are times when active listening, good communication, understanding, sensitivity, tolerance, intelligence, and intuition lead us to realize when SILENCE IS GOLDEN. It is amazing how many people to their own detriment never learn this.

    Dr Braccio Discusses with Dave Akerly of 1320 AM STOP SELF-SABOTAGING YOURSELF- 9-22-20

    STOP SELF-SABOTAGING YOURSELF Too many people let small setbacks in their daily lives result in the proverbial “thousand cuts” that will stop them from fulfilling their overall goals. The most common of these would include breaking a diet,having a cigarette,or not exercising because of a failure on a given day. People too often after a brief failure go back to the default behaviors that need to be eliminated. We must say as the British have said- “rubbish”-and go back to our original plan. These small self-sabotaging setbacks too often are representative of the person’s overall behaviors and carry over to bigger life goals. These include education,spirituality/moral development,relationship building, career advancement training and behaviors,happiness seeking, and other life altering activities because of a setback that discourages them from going forward and self-sabotages their dreams and goals. Even in the midst of difficulties and seemingly extremely difficult challenges, we must keep our eye on the ball and not self-sabotage our future. Those who persevere in life need not be the smartest but they clearly work the hardest to achieve their dreams and goals and do not let defeats stop them. Rather than self-sabotaging,we must see a temporary defeat not as final but something to learn from and not do again. Life can be a very exciting experience if we look upon daily activities and challenges as exciting new tasks to successfully accomplish. To not do this can lead to an unhappy life because of self-sabotaging behaviors and always wondering what could have happened in their lives if they had consistently pursued their dreams and goals.