New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions

The New Year is a new beginning for many persons as they choose resolutions to konya merkez eskort improve themselves. I encourage you to do that now or another time if you are not ready on January 1st. I love to see a person choose to be more effective and happy in his or her personal life, social life, work life, family life, or spiritual life.

The following article is what I wrote for the Lansing State Journal as a response to a question that may be helpful to you as you successfully complete resolutions for the New Year or thereafter. The topic this month is “New Year’s Resolutions”. The “I’m Free From Smoking” Freedom Kit as well as others in our online store could hopefully help you.


Dr. Braccio:  We again are trying as a family to make and keep our New Year’s Resolutions. Our problem is that neither I, my wife or either of our two teenage children keep them for more than a month or two. I’m always going to quit smoking, my wife is always going to lose weight and our kids are always going to study more. We either forget or just decide we will not do them. It seems we try to do too much or choose things we won’t do. Can you help us with this so 2006 will be different?


Your problem is very common. Most persons enter the New Year loaded with resolutions and good intentions. With time, the resolutions are often forgotten or seem like too much work. We all know persons just like you, who each New Year’s Day are going to exercise every day, study more, lose 75 pounds or never smoke a cigarette again. Come February or March, or even sooner, many are back to not exercising, not studying, overeating and smoking.
Other common resolutions would be to learn something new, help others, organize your life better, reduce debt, stop drinking alcohol, get more out of life and show more love for your family and dear friends.

Success comes with being reasonable and having attainable goals. For example, if you quit smoking, you need to be aware of how powerful nicotine addiction is and have a plan on what to do when the going gets tough. For those who plan to lose weight, you need to plan your meals and eat nutritiously. Good study habits need a quiet environment with planned times on a regular basis. Exercising requires you to know where and when you will exercise on a planned basis.

The following are some things you can do to give yourself a greater chance for success in the coming year:

  • Be reasonable and realistic in your resolutions. It is better to set and accomplish smaller resolutions than fail at big ones. For example, you are better to lose 10 pounds than fail at losing 75.
  • Plan out each resolution in advance with a purposeful plan that will include how to do it and what problems with solutions that you may encounter.
  • Use a team approach of your family and/or friends. For example, you can exercise as a family, couple or with your neighbor.
  • Get excited about your resolutions. See them as opportunities to improve yourself as you accomplish what you desire.
  • Set up rewards as you succeed. For example, buy a CD or DVD you want if you stop smoking for seven days.
  • Choose a person you can count on to talk to for encouragement if the going gets tough.
  • If you fail, see it as temporary and go back to working on your resolution. The completion of many successful resolutions have been doted with small failures.
  • Recognize you have the internal power to accomplish what you desire and do not give up.

What’s NEW in 2006?

“AD/HD: A parents guide to help your child take control over AD/HD” Freedom Kit will be available by March of 2006. It is a comprehensive DVD and CD Freedom Kit to specifically deal with children and adolescents. Your child deserves the tools to achieve self-control. An adult version is planned to be available in the Summer of 2006.


If you have any questions regarding my website or products, please email me or call (800) 233-0766. All products have a 30-day money back guarantee. My goal is to satisfy you and be helpful.

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