Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly of 1320 AM discuss BAD JOBS FOR PERSONS WITH ADHD

Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly of 1320 AM discuss BAD JOBS FOR PERSONS WITH ADHD

Dr Braccio & Dave Ackerly discuss BAD JOBS FOR PERSONS WITH ADHD 9-28-21

Last week we discussed jobs that would be good for persons with ADHD. This week we are discussing jobs that are bad for persons with ADHD. Important things to consider are the hallmarks/characteristics of ADHD that include lack of focus, inattention, hyperactivity, Impulsivity, and procrastination. If one takes into account the negative impact on a person with a combination of these characteristics in the wrong job, it becomes clear why seeking and finding the right job is critical to not just work satisfaction but all aspects of one’s life. The following are jobs that clearly would be inappropriate for persons with ADHD: 1. CPA/accountant. 2. Planner of events. 3. Executive assistant. 4. Assembly line position. 5. Routine and monotonous work in any setting but particularly in a cubicle environment. 6. Micromanaged environments with very specific rules and expectations. 7. Controlling bosses.

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