Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly discuss of 1320 AM GOOD JOBS FOR PERSONS WITH ADHD

Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly discuss of 1320 AM GOOD JOBS FOR PERSONS WITH ADHD

GOOD JOBS FOR PERSONS WITH ADHD 9-21-21 Many persons are of the belief that ADHD is a condition only for children. That is not accurate. Fifty percent of persons diagnosed when young continue the condition into adulthood. The hallmarks or characteristics of ADHD are some combination of inattention,lack of focus,hyperactivity and impulsivity. How persons deal with these hallmarks determine how successful and happy their work life and overall life will be. As with any person, the important thing is to accurately assess yourself and determine what would be an appropriate career to enter. The following careers are generally considered good careers for persons with the characteristics of ADHD. They are jobs generally filled with pressure, tension, uniqueness, variety, competition and challenge. The following would be careers that would meet those characteristics: 1.Police officers. 2.Firefighters. 3.EMTs. 4.ER Doctors and Nurses. 5.Self-employed Business Owners. 6.Risk-taking entrepreneurs. 7.Commission sales persons. 8.Entertainment industry. 9.Hospitality industry. 10.Athletes 11.Computer based activities that require innovation, challenge and constant new development.

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