Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly discuss HOW TO HELP YOUR CHILD WITH ADHD- subscribe to our page!

Dr Braccio & Dave Akerly discuss HOW TO HELP YOUR CHILD WITH ADHD- subscribe to our page!

HOW TO HELP YOUR CHILD WITH ADHD 11-30-21 A constant array of questions come to us as we regularly assess persons for possible AD/HD diagnosis. Even though maybe half of our assessments are adults, most questions come from concerned parents. The following are suggestions to help your child with AD/HD: 1. Be patient and realize your child has problems with inattention and lack of focus, and also may have problems with hyperactivity. 2. Need for specific routines except for free time throughout the day due to the awareness your child can easily get distracted and do and/or say inappropriate things. 3. If medication is taken, monitor it carefully and regularly follow up with the prescribing physician. 4. Have specific rewards and consequences for clearly defined behaviors. 5. As much as possible, involve your child in the identification of inappropriate behaviors and consequences as well as rewards for appropriate ones. 6.Model desired behaviors you have for your child. This is critical. 6. Catch your child when behaving as desired. 7. Try to ignore behaviors you do not like unless on your list of unacceptable ones. 8. Make sure your list of undesirable behaviors and consequences is well defined, understood, and enforced. 9. Make sure the list is reasonable and new inappropriate behaviors are not randomly added and enforced. This will destroy the whole process of obtaining appropriate behavior. 10. Break activities into workable segments taking into account the attention abilities of your child. 11. Work to develop stronger skill sets to stay focused for longer and longer periods of time. 12. Make sure appropriate,diet,sleep and exercise are incorporated into each day. 13. Be loving and caring parents channeling the uniqueness of your child into a successful and happy person.

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