How To Answer Personal and Annoying Questions

How To Answer Personal and Annoying Questions

Dr. John H. Braccio and Dave discuss on the “Morning Wake-Up With Dave Akerly” Radio Show on 4/26/16 on WILS, 1320 Lansing, Michigan, a konya merkez eskort common problem for sensitive and non-assertive persons: HOW TO ANSWER PERSONAL AND ANNOYING QUESTIONS. People often are fearful, frustrated, and angry over intrusive, manipulative, and annoying questions. Typical questions would be: What are you doing Saturday morning? (The intent is to get you to do some work at their house!) Did the boss raise heck with you? Can you afford your new car? Did your brother really hit his wife? Is it true you hate your mother-in-law? Are you looking for a new job? These are the kinds of questions that drive people mad. Techniques to overcome such questions are as follows:

  1.  Reply back with a question.
  2. Humorous response.
  3. Ignore and change the topic.
  4. Respond with an “equally” uncomfortable question.
  5. Say, “Is this twenty questions time?”

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