Dr. Braccio Talks About Memorial Day and the California Mass Murder on the “Tony Conley Radio Show” on 5/27/14

Dr. Braccio Talks About Memorial Day and the California Mass Murder on the “Tony Conley Radio Show” on 5/27/14

I hope your MEMORIAL DAY was special.We owe so much to so many who protect us daily so we can continue our unique quest for konya merkez kadın escort individual freedom within our representative republic.  We also can never forget those who have given the ultimate sacrifice of their very lives.

They discuss that it seems almost weekly we hear of a new mass murderer. Elliot Rodger particularly disliked women but used a knife to kill two male roommates and a third male that was there. He then killed two women and one male before he apparently killed himself. He also wounded thirteen others.  Even though his parents alerted the police he did not do anything or say anything in an interview that the police felt they could use to take him off the streets.  His two guns were obtained legally and one does not need a permit to get random knives. What was the cause of this and what can we do as individuals to protect ourselves, others and the potential violent person from such acts of pure horror?  Obviously, society has few answers at this time beyond the unacceptable choice of taking a number of people off the streets who would never harm anyone.  Additional community awareness and targeted mental health services could be helpful in a society with growing individual isolation and alienation.

Any questions or comments would be appreciated.

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